Data Migration

To migrate or not to migrate? That is the question every laboratory information management system (LIMS) system administrator must face at some time or another.

LabSols provides full bespoke/customized database development, LIMS customization, implementation, support and training services for all our customers round the world. We have pool of resources from testing and inspection industry to cover client unique needs.

The main reason is that migrating from one LIMS to another can be a complicated and painful process. Among the biggest challenges are migrating data, dealing with existing configurations and customizations, and managing user acceptance and transition.

Configuring and commissioning of a LIMS installation will often involve the use of legacy data of two distinct types which is often in electronic form (spreadsheet, legacy LIMS, Access database, etc.):

  • Legacy configuration data - definitions of analyte, method, product, specifications, customers, etc.
  • Legacy history data - samples and tests run using legacy data collection methods and tools. This data can have high value in providing continuity of operation and capability when converting to a new LIMS.

Planning the migration? Many questions will arise!

  • Why migrate?
  • How much will the project cost?
  • And how long will it take?

These are among a host of questions that precede every migration project. Before any company can initiate a LIMS migration, some fundamental questions need to be clearly defined, understood and summarized as part of the migration project quality plan:

  • Why ­ is the company migrating?
  • When ­ does it need to be completed?
  • What ­ is the expected business outcome and benefits?
  • Who ­ will be involved with the project from both the company and vendor?
  • Where ­ is the performing, planning, and testing of the system going to occur?

LabSols will take care of this questions and offers services to migrate this data into your new LabSols solution database. This service provides a competitive advantage over most of our competition, very few of whom will provide it at all, let alone at the prices we offer.